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Spinach Juice
If you didn't know already, raw homemade spinach juice is one of the healthiest beverages that you can drink. Spinach juice contains iron, calcium, vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B9 or folate, vitamin K, and many other vital nutrients responsible for keeping our bodies healthy. Many people often ask us what is the point of drinking spinach juice, when you can just eat the vegetable in it's natural state? The answer is that drinking spinach juice is a great way to consolidate the nutrients in an amount of spinach that you probably couldn't eat in one serving, and being fiber and pulp free the juice can be rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream for immediate health benefits. Obviously you should also be eating raw spinach as well as it's rich in fiber, but do make sure to drink it in a juice form as well. You don't have to be a raw vegan or a vegetarian either, this juice is excellent for you regardless of your regular daily diet or eating habits.

One of the first things that you will probably notice after regularly drinking raw spinach juice, is the overall condition of your skin will dramatically improve. If you suffer from dry or itchy skin, it may not in fact be associated with lack of proper hydration, but a lack of essential vitamins and minerals in your diet. Spinach juice is absolutely loaded with vitamin A, one of the most important nutrients directly related to healthy skin, nails, and hair. If you don't have enough vitamin A in your diet, then one of the first things you will notice about the deficiency is it will cause dry and itchy skin. Although raw spinach juice has an abundant amount of vitamin A by itself, you can also try juicing spinach together with fresh organic carrots, and really create a vitamin A mega juice. Many people don't like the taste of plain spinach juice, and if you are one of these people, then definitely add in some carrots or cantaloupe to the blend for sweetness.

Another benefit of drinking raw homemade spinach juice, is that it is proven to protect against heart disease. Spinach juice contains an abundant amount of vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin E, all of which have proven to act as preventive agents against ailments affecting the cardiovascular system. To enjoy these benefits, you should drink spinach juice at least two to four times a week, or even daily if you can. Obviously your juice blend doesn't have to be pure spinach juice to enjoy all of it's benefits, you can also mix the juice with other fruits and vegetables. Spinach juice blends can be made with carrots, kale, beets, lemons, apples, watermelon, coconut water, aloe vera, and many other produce varieties, and this mixing process is also great to allow your body to access a greater spectrum of nutrition. To find many of these delicious spinach juice recipes, please be sure to cruise around our website some more, as we have tons of recipes.

Where you will not find many health benefits, is in pasteurized premade or bottled spinach juice. Spinach should be consumed in either it's raw edible or juiced states, as even steaming the plant can deactivate a sizable portion of the vitamins and minerals that it contains. What I mean by deactivating them, is that they will be rendered to a state where they are either not absorbable by your body, or they will be damaged and will simply pass through your digestive tract as waste. When you juice or eat raw spinach, you get to enjoy the full benefits of this superfood, as all of the properties are left in their natural state. Juicing has been scientifically proven to not damage any of the vegetable's nutritional value, the process simply removes the fiber, which allows for the juice to pass into the body very quickly. So do make sure that you only consume your spinach raw, as steaming, boiling, or even freezing deactivates nutrients.
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